At the end of the Hessian project “Diversity in Kitas – Inclusive Education in the Social Area”, the German Children and Youth Foundation (DKJS) publishes insights, methods and practical examples from the participating institutions.
Whether young or girls, monolingual or multilingual growing up, visually impaired, hyperactive or highly gifted: Daycare facilities have the task to take each child individually in the look and promote. Since 2015, the DKJS has been supporting day-care centers and their partners in the “Diversity in Kitas” project to jointly develop inclusive education.
Methods, practical examples and insights
At the final event of the project on 21 November in Wiesbaden, DKJS presented the freshly printed brochure “Diversity in day-care centers”. It contains concrete examples, selected methods and helpful findings from the participating Kita networks.
“We do not deliver a patent remedy. But we want to offer suggestions and encourage you to take the first steps towards inclusion. Because no matter where you start: something happens, “says project manager Vanessa Agne from the DKJS. The publication is aimed at those who want to perceive diversity as an opportunity and use it as an enriching resource – not just in day nurseries.
“We handle that, even if it means more work”
In the past few years, 23 Hessian day-care centers networks have worked out answers to questions around the topic of diversity: How can inclusive education and education be achieved? How can all those involved in the education and training process work together in order to best strengthen the child?
In addition to technical support through process accompaniment, the participating institutions also received on-demand training and exchanged ideas with the other day-care centers in the network.
“We see inclusion as a broad term that includes all children, whether they wear glasses or not, whether they look different or not, whether they have fled or not. Every child is a child, and every family is a family first. They bring with them needs, but also resources, “says Kerstin Immel-Koch, director of the day care center” Der Kleine Prinz “in Dillenburg. “We handle that, even if it means more work. But it pays off because ultimately all children benefit from it “.