Write for us

We want the world today to be a collection of voices representing a variety of perspectives, including your own. If you have a story you want to share with the world, let us know!

Send us stories by email. Please include links for a blog if you have one. Your pitch should include a summary of what you want to cover and an estimate of the length (more pieces are usually 500 to 1000 words).

We do NOT accept advertising messages in nature or written specifically to generate traffic to a particular site.

What we are looking for:

We are looking for smart, sassy, ​​articulate and insightful pieces that inform, encourage, motivate and entertain. We are all focused on fashion, beauty trends and fun travel ideas, especially if they promote body positivity, diversity and inclusion. We strongly invite you to read several recent articles on the site to get an idea of ​​what we are looking for.

We receive hundreds of submissions and publish only the best. Here are some tips to make sure yours gets to the top:

Start with a bang. The first few sentences of your piece are the most important, so make sure you have a good hook at the start. You want to immediately hire your colleagues more visitors.

Make a point. We hear a lot of stories. To stand out, find a way to make it unique and relatable. Take a stand and make it a must read for our audience.

Don’t believe it. Write how you talk to others. Your story should be a conversation, not an essay.

Put a positive tone. Today the world is looking at life with an optimistic attitude. This does not mean that we are not realists, but we are moving away from the sarcastic and the mean.

What we are not looking for:

Today the world is not a home for personal letters, creative writing experiences, self-promoting press releases, or previously published content of any kind. We only accept stories that are not published elsewhere online and that are original to the person submitting them.

What we really don’t want:

Your story will not appear on Today’s World if we determine that it was published elsewhere online, covers a topic that is unsuitable for the site, or does not meet editorial guidelines.

And, remember, we receive hundreds of submissions and can’t respond to all of them. But we will respond in a timely manner to those we think are a good fit!


you can send your content at saqibiqbal5i@gmaill.com with quality image.