ADHD or GUT. Do not ignore the signs!

Jack was constantly swollen in his nose. As I would pick his up after soccer, I would find an unopened tissue waiting. He was the cutest child! Eyes that were large and brown, flitting around the place, asking a million different questions per minute, never waiting long enough to receive the full answer. He was an imaginative thinker and loved to share his thoughts together with Mommy of his buddies (me ). To get him to buckle his seat belt was a huge challenge.

One day, I engaged in a discussion with his mother and suggested that the mom put Jack in the Thirty Day Challenge, a diet designed specifically for children with ADHD and other physical ailments (in the case of this child, it was a running nose). The mother was in agreement! The following one month Jack did not require a tissue and had no nose running. The man was a bit curious however He was calmer. He did not buckle his seat belt, without any prompting. After three weeks that, the old Jack came into my car, with a swollen nose with intense energy, and everything.

“What happened?” I inquired.” You were doing SO great!”

He turned his head with a sad face and said, “The Holidays happened; the diet was too hard.”

Have you ever experienced an overwhelming feeling about your child’s ADHD?

Do you know if your child is diagnosed as being diagnosed with ADHD and being affected by an autoimmune disorder with frequent colds and streps in winter? Are you aware if your child is suffering from allergies, rashes that are painful, or asthma? Do they have a single food choice be “cheesy, saucy carbs”? Do they have sensitivity to specific objects or sounds? Or sensation of touch?

HTML0 How can we establish the connection with ADHD symptoms and physiological issues?

The story is based on the work of The work is based on Dr. Perlmutter, functional child neuroscientist and best-selling author, many things.

“It’s now undeniable that our intestinal organisms (the roughly one hundred trillion bacterial creatures in us and on our skin) participate in a wide variety of physiological actions, including immune system functioning, detoxification, inflammation, neurotransmitter and vitamin production, nutrient absorption… All these processes factor mightily into whether or not we experience allergies, asthma, ADHD, cancer, diabetes or dementia”.

That’s right! Our gut bacteria in our bodies create neurotransmitters that assist our brains to focus and think, plan and regulate. These same bacteria also extract nutrients from our food that our brain needs for proper functioning! Also, if the digestive tract isn’t in top working in good order, we’ll be experiencing more allergies, asthma, ADHD symptoms, chronic discomfort, and even illness. We’ll feel exhausted and depressed and be harder to manage.

If your child suffers from one of these problems and exhibits a complicated behavior. If this is the case it might be the right an opportunity to look into the’second brain’, which is the gut!

Utilize these steps to help your child with ADHD to achieve the highest level of concentration:

  1. Be aware of your child’s physical symptoms (examples like constipation, nasal allergies or a runny nose unsatisfactory eating habits, sleeping patterns as well as stomachaches or moodiness headaches and infections that require frequent antibiotics). Note down any symptoms you observe and note the severity.
  2. Read chapter 10 of HyperHealing to get all the details of the gut-supporting, neurotransmitter-reinforcing diet, including what to add, what to eliminate, lifestyle changes, and supplements. You can also download information on the Thirty Day Challenge free from my website, You’ll have to cut out a few crucial food groups for thirty days. Make sure you’re well-prepared! Go to the store together with family members to choose alternatives to gluten, dairy and artificial sweeteners and food coloring. Find the latest varieties of vegetables and look up the fruits readily available. Fresh is always the best, however, frozen is also acceptable! Be careful not to overindulge in eating pre-cooked fruit and vegetable options. We call it fast food . Families who take on The Thirty Day Challenge together are more successful. If your family needs some time to prepare make small changes to your diet until everyone has found items they like to eat You can then start the challenge! Be proud of your family and yourself for sticking to a diet that is created to increase focus by doing things that are shared, and avoid eating foods which are unhealthy!


  1. After you’ve completed the 30 day period (Wow that’s impressive! You’ve achieved it! ) Go back and read the original checklist of symptoms (download for free at ). Check if there is improvements. If you and your child are calmer, are less rashes. are less temper tantrums and you’re having two bowel movements each day. Keep working to improve it! It’s on the right path You’ve found one of the major causes of children’s ADHD. That is HUGE. If you’re only seeing some improvement it is worth considering extending the program for one month. If you don’t see any improvements, slowly reintroduce the foods you eliminated while keeping the foods that are nutritious you’ve included. Be aware of your signs to determine how they improve when you introduce new foods.

As a mother of children with ADHD I know that adjusting diets and lifestyles isn’t an easy task! It’s also one of the best decisions I’ve made for my kids. We wish you all the best of luck with your family and have a great gut and brain.